Closed: 2017 Manta Calendar Photo Competition
It’s on again folks! Jackets, beanies, caps, stubby holders, and stickers are up for grabs! Winners will also get a free copy of the calendar, with your photo in it 🙂
Share the best picture of your 4×4, or street car or ute to go in the running to WIN one of 12 MANTA jackets valued at $95, along with a cap, stubby holders, and a MANTA sticker in the size of your choice! Multiple entries are allowed, so click below to submit your entry!
- We’re looking for photos that look fantastic, and tell a story.
- Ask yourself, would I set that as my wallpaper? If the answer is yes we’d absolutely love to see it!
- Be creative, think outside the box when taking your picture. Take heaps, then select the best ones.
- Take your time in getting that one amazing shot! There’s no rush; the competition is open until the 7th August.
- It must either be your picture, or a picture of your vehicle that you have the photographer’s permission to submit.
- The picture must be available in high resolution (i.e. print quality – after all it’s going in our Calendar!)
- We reserve the right to use the picture in our 2017 Manta calendar, and in advertising material.
- Contest closes 7th August at 11:59pm
- Winners will be contacted by private message, and announced via Facebook on Wednesday 10th August; the judge’s decision is final.